
We and our partners may place Internet “cookies” or similar technologies on the computer hard drives of visitors to the Websites or the App. Information we obtain helps us to tailor our site and the App to be more helpful and efficient for our visitors. The cookie consists of a unique identifier that does not contain information about your health history. We use two types of cookies, “session” cookies and “persistent” cookies, along with other similar technologies.

A session cookie is temporary, and expires after you end a session and close your web or app browser. We use session cookies to help customize your experience on our site, maintain your signed-on status as you navigate through our features, and to track your “click path” through our Web pages or mobile screens.

Persistent cookies remain on your hard drive after you’ve exited from our website, and we use them for several reasons. For instance, if you’ve given us permission to email you with information about your Kaiser Permanente benefits, or for other reasons, we may place a persistent cookie on your hard drive that will let us know when you come back to visit our site. We sometimes use this type of persistent cookie with a “Web beacon” (see below). Persistent cookies will not contain any personal health information about you such as a Kaiser Permanente Health/Medical Record number.

You may have software on your computer that will allow you to decline or deactivate Internet cookies, but if you do so, some features of the Websites or the App may not work properly for you. For instructions on how to remove cookies from your hard drive, go to your browser’s website for detailed instructions. In addition, further information regarding cookies may be available on other websites or from your Internet service provider. Safari, Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer and iOS browsers are commonly used browsers.